Saturday, July 31, 2010

City Profile- MedellÍn

As an urban designer, I am often asked by clients, colleagues and friends to tell stories about Cities. Here's an interesting one, that I came across in The Straits Times, dated 31 July, 2010.
Its about Mediellin, second largest city in Colombia and its transformation from being the murder capital of the world to a bustling metropolis in less than a decade. Though the direct impact of police forces in curbing crime cannot be understated, urban planning, infrastructure development and revitalization strategies play a critical supporting role (they even lead from the front as in the case of Bilbao). Medellin has built new transportation networks, parks, libraries, museums and schools to uplilft its neighbourhoods. What stands out is the iconic character of Parque Biblioteca Espana which has helped create new opportunities for the low income community that surrounds it. The library that looks like giant boulders on the hills among the low rise surrounding houses creates a level field and encourages all citizens to learn and educate. The article states that "some kids wait in line for the library to open", which signifies the potential of good design and its contribution towards improving community lifestyle.
Sustainable Design ideas come in all shapes and sizes and in this case its contributions can be measures by the ques outside of the Parque Bibioteca Espana.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Amazing Movie that helps understand!!!

We want to share the link of a movie that is not only incredibly shot, but also tells a real story: The story of the humans in the Earth.
Is a ¨must watch¨ that will help you understand better what is the real state of our planet nowadays and maybe, after all, will encourage you to take action!!
Enjoy it and share it!!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Why Architecture must move towards sustainability? (Part 1)

Picture by Julian Hewitt

Architecture is everywhere.
There is not any modern civilization without architecture. It’s everywhere. Everyone needs a shelter, needs a house. Architecture has been present thru the history of human kind adapting to different climate zones, to different uses, to different aesthetic styles, etc.
Architecture has been always in evolution since the man settled down after the discovery of agriculture. It always had a bonding with the site it was placed.

So, what is happening now with the globalization? Why do we find the same type of skyscrapers in the desert of Dubai than in the cold city of Shanghai? Architecture is losing its essence of belonging to a place, so is to say, is losing what it took us so many years to learn: how to adapt our buildings to the different geographic conditions and make the best use out of them.
Architecture nowadays emits 60% of the worldwide emissions to the atmosphere. We, architects, are responsible for the CO2 that buildings produce and the climate change it causes. We, architects, have great power in our hands, the power to change things with a great impact.
The revolution of Architecture starts now.
We must go back to its essence, understand it, and then, in order to adapt to the new modern world demands, we must use technology to make it happen without harming the environment.
Cause Architecture is not made to harm the Earth.
That’s is not what Architecture is for.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Welcome to Guasl

Welcome to the GUASL blog, this is our first post.

This blog is dedicated to sustainable living, architecture and design.