Architecture is everywhere.
There is not any modern civilization without architecture. It’s everywhere. Everyone needs a shelter, needs a house. Architecture has been present thru the history of human kind adapting to different climate zones, to different uses, to different aesthetic styles, etc.
Architecture has been always in evolution since the man settled down after the discovery of agriculture. It always had a bonding with the site it was placed.
Architecture has been always in evolution since the man settled down after the discovery of agriculture. It always had a bonding with the site it was placed.
So, what is happening now with the globalization? Why do we find the same type of skyscrapers in the desert of Dubai than in the cold city of Shanghai? Architecture is losing its essence of belonging to a place, so is to say, is losing what it took us so many years to learn: how to adapt our buildings to the different geographic conditions and make the best use out of them.
Architecture nowadays emits 60% of the worldwide emissions to the atmosphere. We, architects, are responsible for the CO2 that buildings produce and the climate change it causes. We, architects, have great power in our hands, the power to change things with a great impact.
The revolution of Architecture starts now.
We must go back to its essence, understand it, and then, in order to adapt to the new modern world demands, we must use technology to make it happen without harming the environment.
Cause Architecture is not made to harm the Earth.
That’s is not what Architecture is for.
That’s is not what Architecture is for.
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